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Friends of the
La Crosse River Marsh


The first video for Backwaters showcasing photography by Friends of the La Crosse River Marsh.

Meet the La Crosse River Marsh

The La Crosse River Marsh, at the confluence of the La Crosse and Mississippi Rivers, is a thousand-acre wetland located in the middle of the City of La Crosse in western Wisconsin.


This marsh not only provides the city with critical flood protection, clean water, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities, but it also helps to create a sense of community and bolsters the local economy. Local organizations, community members, and city government are all working together to protect and care for this vital resource. Read more about what you can do at home to help protect the marsh. 


La Crosse River Marsh map (.pdf 2.2MB)


Music with a marsh theme!

Backwaters, a new album of instrumental music by Momentous Records recording artist Mike Starling, is now available. 


Listen to the album and

download it here.

What We Do

Trail Maintenance & Marsh Restoration

Regular volunteer work parties to help restore the marsh ecosystem to its natural state


Guided trail walks, environmental education events and more


Collaborate with the City of La Crosse and other groups to protect biodiversity, ensure safe trails and promote responsible use

La Crosse River Marsh Restoration Project

The Friend


La Crosse River Marsh Restoration Project

The Friends of the La Crosse River Marsh is working with the City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department and the consulting firm SmithGroup, Inc. on a multi-year restoration project to address hydrology, habitat, and recreational infrastructure in the La Crosse River Marsh.  Learn more about the project here.


Visit our facebook site, or scroll down to our facebook feed, to learn details about upcoming educational events and ways to get involved.

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What We Do
La Crosse Marsh bird.jpg

“… a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it. It implies respect for his fellow-members, and also respect for the community as such.”
       -Aldo Leopold

Join Us

Photo:  Jeff Sander

In the News

Curb nutrient pollution in La Crosse River marsh


Carolyn Mahlum-Jenkins | La Crosse Tribune | 5/17/2020


What if our wetlands went on strike?


Casey Meehan  |  La Crosse Tribune  |  9/18/2019


Habitat for Humanity, Friends of the Marsh team up for La Crosse Neighbors Day


Jourdan Vian  |  La Crosse Tribune  |  4/15/2019


Look for messengers of spring


John Sullivan  |  La Crosse Tribune  |  3/11/2018


La Crosse River marsh remains active in winter


Nancy Heerens-Knudson  |  La Crosse Tribune  |  1/14/2018


Friends of Marsh recognized by state wetlands association


Tribune Staff  |  La Crosse Tribune  |  9/13/2016


Marsh friends unveil strategic plan


Chris Hubbuch  |  La Crosse Tribune  |  3/26/2016

In the News
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